Frequently Asked Questions:


Where can I find Primal Instinct Pre-Workout?

  • You can purchase Primal Instinct Pre-Workout right from our website (polokus.com)! Or you can find us in your local gym or supplement shop, you can check our store locator on our site. If we’re not in your gym or store, ask them about us!


What makes Polokus Primal Instinct different than other pre-workouts?

  • We don’t use proprietary blends to hide what ingredients we use. What you see is what you get. We don’t cut corners on ingredients to save money, we use the necessary amount in every serving to make sure you are able to hit your workout like a CREATURE. 


Does Primal Instinct mix well?

  • Primal Instinct Pre-Workout mixes extremely quickly - 2 shakes in a bottle and you’re done! Primal Instinct doesn’t leave annoying particles floating all throughout the drink.


How does Primal Instinct taste?

  • Our original version (with natural and artificial flavors) tastes incredible! It is sweet, but not too sweet and is absolutely delicious. Our all-natural version is sweetened with erythritol and stevia, so it is naturally a little less sweet and a tad more bitter/sour, but still tastes amazing!


Is Primal Instinct safe?

  • Of course! Polokus products are manufactured in a GMP certified and FDA registered facility. We only use extensively researched, safe and high quality ingredients in our products and test every batch for purity!


Will I crash after taking Primal Instinct?

  • Absolutely not. When taken properly, Primal Instinct Pre-Workout packs an intense energy boost without the sugar and other harsh chemicals in many energy drinks.